EN | liens | cont@ct | ©
Laurent Contamin
auteur, metteur en scène, comédien
5 spectacles contés à jouer partout
Juby, En attendant Dersou , En pure Perte, Signé Kiko et Les Murmures de Haute-Claire  en tournée "à la carte" (musées, théâtres, bibliothèques, établissements scolaires, à domicile...), prenez date ! (onglet cont@ct, ci-dessus)
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Knightly Vigil

It's june and, like every year in this seaside village near Calais, one prepares the solstice festival.

But there are, this very year, some new data :

Firstable, the police roundups against illegal immigrants are becoming tougher and tougher ; then, the new mayor asks for a brighter cultural and historical heritage visibility  during the celebration. And - last but not least - old Jean-Baptiste disappeared : did he get lost ? Did he flee ? Could he have been kidnapped ?

His son, in charge of security in the Chunnel, and his grand daughter, who occasionally hear unknown voices talking to her, pursue investigations...


Characters : 1 man - 4 women

Duration : about 100 mn


> This play has been selected by Entractes : read an excerpt by clicking here


> in french

3796439 pages vues.