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Laurent Contamin
auteur, metteur en scène, comédien
5 spectacles contés à jouer partout
Juby, En attendant Dersou , En pure Perte, Signé Kiko et Les Murmures de Haute-Claire  en tournée "à la carte" (musées, théâtres, bibliothèques, établissements scolaires, à domicile...), prenez date ! (onglet cont@ct, ci-dessus)
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in english

Puppets, the rule breaking beings, were presented by travelling and spectacular people for a long time. 


It's june and, like every year in this seaside village near Calais, one prepares the solstice festival... A political saga, made of drama and comedy, occasionally borderline.


An original show, written and directed by Laurent Contamin, played either on stage or outdoor (solid tree needed). Two circus artists do celebrate those major women who, in the 19th and 20th century, took risks to discover the world and themselves...


«Hello and wellcome to the Fearsome Circus !»
Le Redoutable, a nuclear submarine, is lying two hundred meters  down at the bottom of the Pacific. All attempts to save it have failed. The crew has only a few hours of oxygen and electricity left before their inescapable death (...).


The Day Night Watchmen  is a fiction based on a real sequence of Louis and Auguste Lumière, the two brothers who invented the cinematograph in 1895.


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